We understand the struggles that come with filling out the back-to-school forms. It can often feel like a never-ending and tedious task, taking away precious time and energy that could be spent on other essential matters. We empathize with the overwhelming feeling of juggling so many responsibilities at once. However, we want to assure you that these forms are not just a mindless task but a vital aspect of our school's operation and enrollment process.
Many of these forms are mandated by Maryland State law or Archdiocese regulations; without them, we could not continue operating our school. We also want to reassure you that the forms we have designed purely for our administrative purposes are short and straightforward, allowing us to keep you updated with important school information efficiently.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter and look forward to working together to make this school year a success for your child.
Attention all families with children enrolled in the Montessori program or Before/After Care! The Maryland State Department of Education's Office of Child Care Services (OCC) has an important requirement for you.WHO NEEDS IT?: Montessori & Before/After Care Families
HOW MANY?: One per family
WHEN?: Every Academic Year
WHY?: Mandated by Maryland State
WHO NEEDS IT?: All Families
HOW MANY?: One per family
WHEN?: Every Academic Year, or when information changes
WHY?: Required by St. Jerome Academy
We understand how important it is for you to stay connected with the school. We've created this convenient form to gather your contact information and communication preferences.
On this one-page form, you can provide us with your preferred email address for our weekly email newsletter, SJA Vox. We'll contact your phone and email through Rediker for quick communication during emergencies. But that's not all! This form also allows you to update your contact information and choose whether or not you'd like to be included in our school directory.
With updated contact information and communication preferences, the school can easily send newsletters, emergency notifications, and directory information to our wonderful community of families!
WHO NEEDS IT?: All Families
HOW MANY?: One per family
WHEN?: Every Academic Year
WHY?: Required by St. Jerome Academy
Cell phones are not allowed in our regular learning environment, and we understand they may be necessary for exceptional circumstances such as a long commute to school or needing a cell phone for medical or family emergencies. The procedure is outlined in the agreement document linked below. Students will not be permitted to carry cell phones in the school building until this process has been completed.WHO NEEDS IT?: Students desiring to bring a cellphone to school
HOW MANY?: One per affected student
WHEN?: Every Academic Year
WHY?: Required by St. Jerome Academy
WHO NEEDS IT?: All Families
HOW MANY?: One per family
WHEN?: On Enrollment or Household Changes
WHY?: Required by Archdiocese of Washington