The study of mathematics should instill in students an ever-increasing sense of wonder and awe at the profound way in which the world displays order, pattern, and relation. Mathematics is studied not because it is first useful and then beautiful but because it reveals the beautiful order inherent in the cosmos.
Mathematics stands in a unique position at the intersection of induction and deduction, and as it flowers, it enables the student not only to appreciate more deeply its own subject matter, but also every other discipline since it lends its own intelligibility to their study. This is readily apparent in logic and analytical reasoning, but is no less true for art, music, poetry, history, sports, experimental science, philosophy, and language.
Mathematics can engage all the senses, particularly in the early years, with the direct manipulation of simple objects that illustrate number and counting, similarity and difference, belonging and exclusion, progression, proportion, and representation. Along with this direct experience, students can be coached in observation and taught not only to recognize but to question the relationship of countable to uncountable, unity to plurality, and repetition to progression.
They can gradually be introduced to ways in which we quantify the world by applying dimension, magnitude, duration, measure, and rank, as well as ways in which the world may be analyzed and modeled through mathematical representation, including geometric and algebraic expressions. To the extent possible, students can be encouraged to ‘construct mathematics’ (such as building Platonic solids) as well as work it out on paper, and come to understand that the symbolic writing of mathematics enables us to describe accurately and therefore to predict the outcomes of many real-world events.
The study of mathematics should emphasize its foundational contribution to aesthetics (the study of beauty). The “mathematics of beauty” can be discerned in every subject.
Saint Barbara, a young 3rd-century woman, secretly converted to Christianity against her pagan father's wishes and was imprisoned in a tower, where she was tutored extensively in mathematics and science; she is considered the patron saint of mathematicians for her scholarly dedication to mathematical studies under adversity. Later, her father beheaded her when she refused to denounce her Christian faith.